What is NIST and why do we base our services on it?

NIST, for its acronym in English, is the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology. It is a non-regulatory agency that promotes innovation through advances in standards and technologies. This entity promotes a Cybersecurity Framework called NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) which consists of standards and best practices aimed at improving the cybersecurity risk management of organizations. It is a very versatile framework that integrates with the existing security processes of any organization and sector.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

NIST CSF 2.0 subdivides its framework into 6 main functions. These functions can be used for multiple purposes, such as to understand and communicate an organization's cybersecurity posture, to characterize the results of its risk management, or to formalize the security control of its suppliers. At Zerolynx we classify our services under its 6 functions:

  1. ID.
  2. Protection.
  3. Detection.
  4. Answer.
  5. Recovery.
  6. Government.


Through our intelligence services, acquire the information necessary to address your questions and help you define and successfully achieve your company's strategic objectives. Obtain a competitive advantage that allows you to anticipate the risks in your sector and stand out from your competition.

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Thanks to our specialized cyber defense team, we reduce your organization's attack surface, guaranteeing minimum privilege and creating a hostile environment that prevents the free movement of any malicious actor that penetrates your network.

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Through our Offensive Security services you will be able to analyze and evaluate your company's cyber defense capabilities. Discover how your security plan performs against a team of advanced adversaries taking action, and learn how to effectively protect your critical assets and operations.

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Ransomware, Trojan horses, phishing and CEO scams are some of the main threats that constantly affect organizations around the world. Thanks to the digital forensic analysis service, we help you contain potential incidents in your company in a timely manner and analyze and take the necessary security measures so that they do not occur again.

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Time, lack of personnel and costs are the main enemies faced by any organization that is recovering after a cybersecurity incident. At Zerolynx we are aware of this, and we help you restore your service quickly through our team of experts.

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Through our Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) services you will be able to effectively align your organization's IT activities with its business objectives, effectively manage possible associated cybersecurity risks and stay up to date. with the laws and regulations that affect the systems.

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